VILPA-woman climbing the stairs

New VILPA Results | How Can 1 Min Physical Activity Bouts Prolong Your Life

Are you one that feels guilty not finding the time to hit the gym? As a result, you feel sluggish, unhealthy, and out of shape. I’ve got some good news for you! Recent studies show that just 3-4 minutes of daily-life physical activity bouts (VILPA), can SIGNIFICANTLY help you stay healthy.

You don’t like exercising? Then, this info should bring you much relief! Read on!

In this article, youā€™ll learn about the benefits of physical activity bursts; how to squeeze them into your daily routine, and how to maximize the positive impact of these swift random moves.

Medical disclosure: The Fit Yourself Barre content is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. You should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

What is VILPA?

VILPA stands for Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity. It refers to 1 to 2 minutes brief episodes of incidental dynamic movements that we do every day. (e.g. brisk walking).

Simply put: VILPA is the kind of task you do energetically throughout the day without even realizing it like vacuuming your house.

What are the benefits of daily life short physical activity bouts?

A recent 2022 study shows that just 3 to 4 minutes of robust physical bouts, considerably decrease the risk of premature death from all diseases. The maximum of 11 daily VILPA bouts can add up to 30 minutes weekly.

The results suggest that VILPA is as EFFECTIVE as intentional activity. Surprisingly, VILPA gives you the same recovery benefits as longer workouts.

Here are the benefits of VILPA or HIIPA (High-Intensity Incidental Physical Activity)

The study is the first to show that VILPA has similar health benefits to 10-30min HIIT workouts (High Intermittent Interval Training), where quick bursts of intense exercises are followed by times of rest.

Some of the benefits of HIIT training include lowering your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.


The research finds that small doses of fast activity help reduce cardiovascular deaths by nearly 50%. It also reduces early mortality from all-cause diseases by 40%.

Overall, participants did 8 quick blasts of movement daily, totaling a little less than 4 and a half minutes.


“Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) refers to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity.” Wikipedia

Cardiorespiratory endurance is a critical factor in life expectancy.

So think of doing your housework with a bit more enthusiasm!


VILPA is not time-consuming. You need no previous preparation or club memberships. It’s great when you cannot work out or don’t like exercising. It is accessible and manageable. You can easily trade going to the gym with a few minutes of energetic movements.

Remember to power up your day-to-day activities. Step up the pace while you walk, for instance.


When you exercise, your brain releases feel-good endorphins that improve your emotional well-being. This helps reduce the risk of developing mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Related article: “This is why your brain needs to see water!”

What are examples of VILPA?

There are many simple sporadic daily tasks, chores, and recreational activities that correspond to VILPA and that can last up to one minute.

You need to squeeze just a few very short bouts of daily moves till it becomes difficult to breathe and talk.

Examples of VILPA include:

  • Bursts of power walking or walking quickly while doing errands
  • Walking uphill
  • Running to catch the bus or train
  • Carrying and walking with the shopping bags
  • Playing animated games with the kids or pets
  • Gardening
  • Doing the housework with a bit more energy
  • Sprinting to run errands
  • Stepping up the pace to climb stairs

Should you stop going to the gym?

Not! Though the latest study shows that ALL strong bursts count, it is recommended to stick to your traditional exercising plan.

Besides, the more you move, the better!

So if you have a regular exercise regimen, consider VILPA as a complement and not a substitute to your already established training practice.

In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) changed its recommendations on physical and sedentary behavior. Before, they said that to get healthier, you had to exercise for at least 10 minutes. Now, the WHO says that getting healthy doesn’t require such intense activity.

However, researchers accentuate the fact that maintaining a heart rate (77%-93% of age-related maximum) for longer periods delivers even more protection from early death and cancer.

Related article: “Benefits of Doing Planks Daily: why are planks a good exercise?”

Wrap Up

Unfortunately, most 40+ adults do not exercise regularly and don’t meet current physical activity recommendations.

But, the science behind VILPA reveals how it can help you achieve your fitness goals whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, or busy with life.

Indeed, VILPA can help motivate people who hate working out to overcome many obstacles.

Consider VILPA as “little snack” exercises that you do with gusto. It is similar to HIIT but for the nonexercisers.

Don’t underestimate your common physical activities. Their health effects are equivalent to lengthy workouts.

Therefore, remember to seize the opportunities to amp up the intensity of your everyday moves.

Related article: “Bone Mass | How 10 Jumps A Day Will Keep Your Bones Strong!”

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  1. Interesting! VILPA seems like a simple and achievable way to improve our health and well-being. It’s amazing to think that just a few minutes of energetic physical activity throughout the day can significantly reduce our risk of premature death from all diseases. The fact that VILPA can provide the same recovery benefits as longer workouts is a game-changer for those who struggle to find the time for longer exercise sessions. It’s encouraging to know that we can make a positive impact on our health by incorporating VILPA into our daily routines.

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Yes, VILPA  is definitely a game-changer for all of us really! It’s great news I believe! Thank you for your comment! You may be interested in reading This is Why Your Brain Needs To See Water !

  2. Oliver says:

    That was so helpful! Im currently working from home, but before that, I was working on construction sites at least 40h a week, so it is a major change from being physically active at work, to an office job. I try to go out for walks from time to time but I don’t really feel like Im spending enough energy. With these tricks I could do more without changing the whole routine!

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Absolutely! It is such great news for everyone! Thank you for your comment! You may be interested in reading Bone Mass | How 10 Jumps A Day Will Keep Your Bones Strong!

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