
About me

Hello friends,

Thank you for visiting my site and for your interest in barre fitness!

Just a few words to introduce myself: I’m Anne-Caroline and I grew up in Northern France and I now live in a town near Paris.

When I was a child, and like many little girls around the world, I desired to do Ballet but unfortunately I didn’t get the opportunity to attend Ballet classes till I was 41!

When I discovered Barre, I simply fell in love with it. It’s now been several years that I train at home. I’ve learned quite a lot about the techniques and skills and I’m excited to share with you my passion and hopefully assist you with exercising at home too.

My story

Mother of 4 kids, for many years, I hadn’t practiced any regular sport activity. I kept myself ‘fit’ by keeping healthy eating habits but I knew that wasn’t enough and that I needed to start being physically active again someday.

As a kid, I had always been very sport-driven. I remember when I was 13 years old, on top of school sports activities (4hrs a week), I’d do fitness with the help of a book in the living-room which used to drive my mother crazy because she didn’t like the smell of sweat left in the room!!!

In 2012, I really felt that I needed to practice a regular fitness activity so I heard of the YMCA (we had just moved in the area) and their cheap membership. So I joined and it is there that I discovered ‘Barre’! There were many other activities and I did a few of them but Barre was my favorite and I knew just why: it was inspired by Ballet techniques. My childhood dream had resurfaced.

2016, I moved back to France. I wanted to join a fitness club like in the US at an affordable price and luckily I found an association and I joined. The first thing I looked for was a ‘Barre’ class and to my big surprise there was a ‘Ballet’ class!! At first, I didn’t get too excited because I thought it wouldn’t be as professional as in a Ballet school (I could never attend one because too expensive). But nooo, a professional ex-Ballet dancer from the Bordeaux National Opera was teaching that class. You can imagine how excited I was to finally do Ballet!!

My help

As I mentioned before, I’ve always been self-motivated. Though I do Ballet at the club a couple times a week, I also train on my own at home. In this matter, I am very lucky! I realize we are not all the same. My sister for example has a very hard time motivating herself to do any sport. So each time I see her, I encourage her to do some fitness exercises with me. Last summer, I managed to get her to do some barre fitness in the sea when we were on vacation in Southern Italy!!

So as for my sister, I’d like to help you and encourage you to keep it up with sharing with you barre tips and techniques as well as introducing some Ballet skills.

As I was training, one day, I had this thought: why not share my passion and create a website?

My wish

I hope my website inspires you to get or stay fit on your OWN at home at your OWN pace and enjoy this experience. I think of barre not as a chore but a hobby and I’d like to encourage you along your journey!

I want my experience to bring you relevant information about Barre fitness as well as the Ballet world in general.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. Feel also free to share your experience, joys and struggles.

To your Barre!


Founder of Fit Yourself Barre


Affiliate disclosure: my content may contain affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I make a small commission at NO extra cost to you and that will help me pay for the cost of maintaining my website and writing more helpful content. Thank you for your support!

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  1. That’s wonderful ! I am a late beginner in pole dancing as a fitness activity. I am 29 years old and started one year ago. It’s amazing what your body can do even if we start late. I did not know much about barre fitness. I like it and will have a look if there is anything happening near me.
    Thanks for sharing your journey !

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Hello Connie, yes try barre as a warm up for pole dance because it strenghtens your core and increases your flexibility. The two together make a good match!!

      1. What an amazing lady 🩰 thank you for all your hard work and sharing it with us ♥️

        1. Anne-Caroline says:

          Awe, thanks so much for your kind words and your support!

  2. I love this!!! So inspiring

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Thank you!;)

  3. Lol! moi dans la barre nahh je pense que ça a passé mon temps. Welcome to my blog thanks for following me. Salut

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      haha, oui je comprends!! Merci!!

  4. Nice meeting Anne-Caroline. What a great story with a happy ending after so many difficulties. I wish you the very best for your project.

    Keep on keeping fit Anne-Caroline,


    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Thank you Jean!

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