music-effects-happy young woman stretching while listening to her favorite music

12 Remarkable Music Effects On Your Workout | Make It Fun!

Most of us have experienced those pumping music effects on our workouts. In fact, when you exercise with music, it triggers several physiological reactions that are backed up by science. From boosting your performance to making it feel easier, music is a powerful way to keep you in tune while you are working out. Why …

woman jumping outdoors

Bone Mass | How 10 Jumps A Day Will Keep Your Bones Strong!

Are you wondering how jumping 10 times a day increases your bone mass more than running? I knew that as we age, we lose bone density. For many years, and out of ignorance, I believed that regular physical activity like walking and eating a lot of calcium (milk, cheese) would help keep my bones healthy …

gaining-self-confidence-needle of a compass pointing at the word confidence-3D render-concept image of self-confidence

14 Tips For Gaining Self-Confidence | How To Believe In YOU!

Gaining self-confidence can take a lot of effort to achieve. If only it were an innate thing that humans would do! On top of that, cultural and social factors seriously affect our lifestyle and especially how we feel about ourselves. Social trends, for example, dictate how we should look (fashion victims) and that in order …


Is training Barefoot Good? 10 Great Benefits exercising Shoeless!

Oh, how I love training barefoot! And that is because I mainly work out at home so I don’t need to put on some shoes, it takes too much effort… But that is not entirely true: I find myself really preferring exercising barefoot because it feels so good and somehow it brings me a sense …


12 Top Barre Workout Benefits: a good sweat guaranteed!

Wondering whether a barre workout is for you? It is surely worth getting some attention! Barre actually combines 3 forms of workouts in one: ballet-inspired exercises, yoga stretching, and pilates strength training. That’s pretty solid! No need to be a ballet dancer to benefit from a workout at the barre. You don’t even need a …

A woman doing a pulsing lunge exercise

Are pulse exercises in a workout really powerful?

If you’ve ever done a barre workout, you’ve probably experienced the “hold and pulse” pain… Yes, pulse exercises are super challenging, but are they really doing anything? Is the burning like hell you feel in your muscles truly worthwhile? What are pulse exercises? Pulsing is simply moving in a tiny “up and down” repetitive way …

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Balneotherapy cures: why the French love them so much?

Whether it’s sea or spring water, the French are fond of balneotherapy cures. Rightly so! Water is renowned for its multiple health benefits since Antiquity. Indeed, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians would go regularly to the thermal baths both for social and therapeutic reasons. Today, from a one-week cure to a one-day treatment, thermal water spas …


French Women Self-Care Ideas: 14 Top Tips!

Due to the COVID-19 and lockdowns, I’ve had more time to focus on my well-being and self-care habits. Yet many people during these awkward times fell into depression. Hence the need to pay more attention to ourselves. So NO, wellness movements are not just trends. Self-love and body positivity is indeed important for our mental …