christmas mental health tips-woman in winter forest getting some fresh air

How Do You Look After Your Mental Health Over Christmas?

The Christmas season can be stressful for many of us and hurt our mental health. From organizing the festive dinner party, and decorating the home to shopping for the perfect gifts, all this mental charge can affect your overall wellness. That is why it is crucial to keep your sanity intact! I have gathered mindful …

healthy and fit over Christmas-best friends enjoying mulled wine at the Christmas market

Christmas Fitness Tips | How To Stay Healthy And Fit

With the holidays just around the corner, are you wondering how to stay healthy and fit this Christmas? Don’t dread the festive holiday season anymore. I’ve got some great Christmas healthy fitness tips to help you stay active and keep your progress intact while still enjoying the merry celebrations. Medical disclosure: The Fit Yourself Barre …


Meet Eustress! And The Surprising Benefits of Good Stress

Do you ever feel a wave of positive excitement, anticipation, or motivation when faced with a challenge, but you don’t know why? You could be experiencing eustress – a unique form of stress that is actually beneficial to your well-being. In this article, we will look into exactly what it is and the surprising benefits …


This Is Why Your Brain Doesn’t Want To Work Out

Are you struggling to stick to your fitness goals, despite your best intentions? Well, here’s a shocking truth: your brain may be secretly sabotaging your progress. Yes, that’s right. New research reveals that the very thing that controls your thoughts, emotions, and actions is working against you when it comes to exercising. Are you tired …

Health benefits of earthing. Bare feet in grass.

The Secret to Better Health: How Earthing Can Help!

Are you looking for a natural and effortless solution to improve your overall health and well-being? Look no further than earthing. Earthing, or grounding, is a simple and effective method that involves connecting with the earth’s natural energy to improve your physical and emotional health. The simple experience of standing barefoot on grass grounds you! …

VILPA-woman climbing the stairs

New VILPA Results | How Can 1 Min Physical Activity Bouts Prolong Your Life

Are you one that feels guilty not finding the time to hit the gym? As a result, you feel sluggish, unhealthy, and out of shape. I’ve got some good news for you! Recent studies show that just 3-4 minutes of daily-life physical activity bouts (VILPA), can SIGNIFICANTLY help you stay healthy. You don’t like exercising? …

woman jumping outdoors

Bone Mass | How 10 Jumps A Day Will Keep Your Bones Strong!

Are you wondering how jumping 10 times a day increases your bone mass more than running? I knew that as we age, we lose bone density. For many years, and out of ignorance, I believed that regular physical activity like walking and eating a lot of calcium (milk, cheese) would help keep my bones healthy …

Young woman-bathing in-the natural-thermal spa water

Balneotherapy cures: why the French love them so much?

Whether it’s sea or spring water, the French are fond of balneotherapy cures. Rightly so! Water is renowned for its multiple health benefits since Antiquity. Indeed, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians would go regularly to the thermal baths both for social and therapeutic reasons. Today, from a one-week cure to a one-day treatment, thermal water spas …

Legs up the wall stretch pose

Legs Up The Wall Stretch Pose | 12 Awesome Health Benefits

Known as the “Viparita Karina” pose in yoga, this “legs up the wall” posture has excellent therapeutic benefits. It’s an easy-to-do position that anyone can do. Nothing complicated except maybe for its name!! It is a passive exercise therefore it doesn’t require strength or flexibility. Just as it builds a connection between the body and …