
This Is Why Ballerinas Wear Knit Leg Warmers

Leg warmers are more than a fashion statement to ballerinas. Surely, this beloved dance accessory does add a touch of style to their performances. But there are serious practical reasons why ballet dancers wear these special warmers. Read on to understand better how important it is for ballerinas to wear leg warmers! Why do ballerinas …

Strong legs-male dancer rehearsing in black tights

How Do Ballet Dancers Get Strong Legs? 7 Leg Power Moves

Ballet dancing is both an art form and a sport. It is a way of expressing music and creativity through extreme physical performance. Therefore, ballerinas need strong legs to execute fast-paced ballet moves. They put in a lot of hard ballet training to ensure their best performances. That is why they have amazing physical strength …


12 Top Barre Workout Benefits: a good sweat guaranteed!

Wondering whether a barre workout is for you? It is surely worth getting some attention! Barre actually combines 3 forms of workouts in one: ballet-inspired exercises, yoga stretching, and pilates strength training. That’s pretty solid! No need to be a ballet dancer to benefit from a workout at the barre. You don’t even need a …

A woman doing a pulsing lunge exercise

Are pulse exercises in a workout really powerful?

If you’ve ever done a barre workout, you’ve probably experienced the “hold and pulse” pain… Yes, pulse exercises are super challenging, but are they really doing anything? Is the burning like hell you feel in your muscles truly worthwhile? What are pulse exercises? Pulsing is simply moving in a tiny “up and down” repetitive way …