woman jumping outdoors

Bone Mass | How 10 Jumps A Day Will Keep Your Bones Strong!

Are you wondering how jumping 10 times a day increases your bone mass more than running? I knew that as we age, we lose bone density. For many years, and out of ignorance, I believed that regular physical activity like walking and eating a lot of calcium (milk, cheese) would help keep my bones healthy …


Is training Barefoot Good? 10 Great Benefits exercising Shoeless!

Oh, how I love training barefoot! And that is because I mainly work out at home so I don’t need to put on some shoes, it takes too much effort… But that is not entirely true: I find myself really preferring exercising barefoot because it feels so good and somehow it brings me a sense …

Chicory coffee drink with blue flowers

Chicory coffee health benefits: why the French love it?

I’ve had chicory coffee my entire life without even knowing what it was until very recently! That is probably because “la chicorĂ©e” is a French popular product that is cultivated in Northern France where I grew up. I always thought it was a type of coffee and to my big surprise, after finally questioning myself …