French lifestyle tips-cafƩ en terrasse

10 French Lifestyle Tips To Adopt For A Happier Life

You’ve probably heard that the French take the time to enjoy life whenever they can. The French way of life is centered on how to live well rather than the “kill yourself at work to make the most money” mentality. The French call it the “Art de Vivre” which beautifully translates as “the art of living”.

To make sure that the French living habits I am going to talk about are not just old clichƩs, I have asked my kids to each give me an example of what they thought was different in France from the USA. My kids are Franco-Americans. They live in Michigan with their dad and come to visit me in France in the summer. They are familiar with both cultures. I was curious to know their thoughts about this subject and what they would come up with.

My oldest daughter told me about getting the baguette and fresh bread at the local bakery; my son mentioned the quality over quantity of the food and my youngest daughter talked about the cheese and the different courses of a meal. Their French lifestyle tips are indeed all on my list!

For this reason, Holidays and weekend breaks are sacred! A lot of shops are closed on Mondays simply because the French need to have proper days off from working and rest.

Here are 10 French Lifestyle Tips for a merrier life!

Enjoy life killing time, sipping a “CafĆ© en terrasse“!

French lifestyle tips-cafƩ en terrasse
My daughter & I just chilling (summer 2017)

When I moved to the USA for the 1st time back in 1994, I noticed that there weren’t many cafĆ©s with tables and chairs set outside and I missed that very much. I don’t know about big towns like Chicago at that time, but in my little town, it wasn’t common at all.

I simply missed sipping my coffee outside in a cozy environment, especially in the summer. As a French Italian girl, I was used to savoring my coffee and observing the world around me, reading my magazine, a book, or the newspaper.

In the USA, I saw more people walking around while holding a to-go coffee cup than taking the time to sit down and chill.

However today, outside coffee shops’ terraces are flourishing everywhere in the USA. Look at Starbucks! The company had this smart idea to copy the European model and import the Italian cafĆ© style to the USA. Bingo! The concept is now so trendy. When I come for a visit, I see my small city downtowns so much more alive, with people sitting outside a cafĆ©, killing some time as we do in France.

Don’t feel guilty about taking the time for yourself to sit down and relax outside a cafĆ©! Practice this mindset: the art of doing nothing!

Enjoy life by going to the opera!

The French embrace the Arts and are fond of cultural errands such as going to the opera, seeing a play at the theater, exhibitions, art galleries, going to the movies, and visiting historical sites (castles and gardens). It is well known that France offers a very rich array of cultural activities that attract millions of people from all around the globe.

Moreover, the French government makes sure that the cultural and arts institutions are accessible and affordable to anyone. For instance, it is cheaper or free for you to visit if you are unemployed.

Summer festivals are also a great way to learn about the French style of living and friendliness.

Enjoy life visiting your local bookstore!

Bookstores and reading are not dead! At least not in France… Far from it. Just on the news the other day, they mentioned how bookstores made more sales in 2020 after the confinement than in 2019! The French, while in quarantine, got back into reading much more and they continued doing so even after.

Reading and being well-educated is very important to the French. There are local libraries and charming-looking bookstores everywhere. If you’ve been to Paris, you must have noticed those books and newspaper kiosks that are still very popular in the streets.

Cultivate your intellect by supporting your local bookstore and by subscribing to a newspaper or a magazine.

Enjoy life by taking a mindful walk!

As a kid, I remember how my dad used to say: “let’s go on a walk, it helps digest!” Very true. The French love taking walks, not only because it is healthy for you, but also because they love to wander in the streets, gaze at the beauty of the buildings around them, and socialize with their neighbors. They enjoy getting some fresh air in the parks.

In Paris, in addition to the cafƩs and libraries, there are so many parks and little squares as well. They are historical hidden gems. There are lots of fountains too for you to quench your thirst while surrounding yourself with nature.

For health purposes, it is now highly recommended that you get to walk 10000 steps daily. Why not adopt this old-fashioned French habit then? Why not decide to slow down just for the sake of it?

Enjoy life shopping at your local outdoor market!

French lifestyle tips-outdoor local market

Such a great French tradition to shop at the outdoor local farmers market! Another way to take a mindful walk and get to know your local stores. Where I live, the farmers’ market takes place on the main square 3 times a week, all year long. You can find clothes, seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and meat, cheese and delicatessen but also hand-made arts and crafts. The French shop there at least once a week.

It is the opportunity to shop for fresh local produce and respect the seasons. It is a pleasant experience to meet the community and try new foods. The French love to start the day at the cafƩ and then walk around and shop.

And yes buying your fresh baguette at your local bakery every day is still a very French thing to do! On market days, there are lines of people in bakery stores waiting to get their daily fresh bread.

Enjoy life cooking fresh food!

80% of products in supermarkets are processed foods. Though cheaper and convenient, they are loaded with sugar, salt, and preservatives that are bad for your heart and overall health. Luckily for them, the French have this healthy living habit of shopping at their local farmers’ markets and cooking fresh seasonal foods. They prefer quality over quantity. They enjoy cooking and having some quality time, socializing with the family or friends around the dining table.

At the market, you also find caterers offering already prepared fresh French and international recipes. So if you don’t have time to cook, at least you can still buy and eat fresh quality cooked food.

I grew up in a family where my parents cooked fresh meals daily and prepared vegetables according to each season.

Enjoy life by eating your meals with intent! No rush…

Mealtimes are so revered in France, that even at work, companies give their employees up to one hour for their lunch breaks! It is also true for schools. The kids have a 1h30 lunch break.

The other day, it struck me, that all those restaurants and cafĆ©s concentrated in just one place, while I was visiting the Latin quarters in Paris. I wondered how they all did business. Well, they were packed with people. It is not just on Friday nights or during the weekends that it is packed. It is at lunchtime too! It is a serious business! That’s because it is the tradition: the French love to sit down and take the time to savor their meals or coffee or tea or beer…

Of course, it may not be possible for you to sit down for an hour during mealtimes every day. But what I suggest you do is to take pleasure in what you eat, sitting in a relaxing environment, with TV, and smartphones off. It is realistic to thoughtfully enjoy each bite and simply slow down.

Enjoy life coursing out your diners!

French lifestyle tips-cheese and figs

One other favorite of the French lifestyle is a big family or friends’ dinner that usually happens on weekends. Time doesn’t exist anymore. Mealtime can last for hours and that’s because there are several different courses spaced out and served on separate plates. Right, you don’t serve the salad on a dirty spaghetti sauce plate?!

This is what a French coursed-out dinner looks like:

  • Aperitifs ( They are drinks usually alcoholic that are served before dinner and are served with some finger foods)
  • Appetizer
  • Main course
  • Salad
  • Cheese
  • Dessert
  • Coffee
  • Digestif (Like the appĆ©ritif, they are strong alcoholic beverages served for digestion) Much needed!!!

As you can imagine, those gatherings are special and allow for great conversations! Gotta tell you though: the “digestif” is indeed very much welcomed!!! I try to eat smaller portions and chew very slowly.

Read more if you want to discover why the French stay thin even though they eat fatty foods. Click here to read the article.

Enjoy life wearing your favorite perfume!

French lifestyle tips-perfume
Photo credit Valeria Boltneva

Perfume is a big deal in France! French women don’t leave the house without wearing their signature fragrance. They develop a unique personal scent. I have a colleague who sprays herself constantly throughout the day… I even know she’s been around when I enter our employees’ room.

I have several ones myself. One for special occasions (the most expensive), one for every day. I love to have different ones and try new ones but my mother, for example, wears Chanel 5. I am always reminded of her when I smell that perfume. My brother too wears only one perfume. Can’t buy him another one because he wouldn’t use it…

Read the related article “My French-inspired winter body skincare routine tips”

Enjoy life mastering the art of conversation!

French lifestyle tips-meaningful conversation
Photo credit Andrea Piacquadio

Sipping a coffee, having a glass of wine, or dining with your family, colleagues or friends go hand in hand with mastering meaningful conversations. The French love to talk but it has to be interesting and not just superficial. They talk about a book they are reading, about the news, politics, and even religion but not so much about money. In general, they are more discreet about money, simply because they don’t like to show off too much.

I hope these French cultural practices have inspired you to try them for yourself!

Should you have any questions or an experience of yours to share, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below. I will be glad to read your thoughts! Let me ask you: what is your favorite tip? Which one has inspired you the most?

And if you’ve enjoyed this article, why not pin it for later?

French lifestyle tips

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  1. Jbryce says:

    It is always good to read articles with useful tips like this, traveling to a country where you’ve never been to and you don’t have any idea how things are done there. It is always good that you read articles that help you get knowledge about the lifestyle there, that is why this one is a very resourceful information.

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      So great that you have found my French lifestyle tips so useful! Thank you for your comment.

  2. Joe Francis says:

    Hi Anne-Caroline

    Your website has encouraged me to think more my lifestyle. You have inspired me to think a little about getting old -and towards pension age. What sort of income I will have? I need to eat more foods that will clean my body – especially hydration – oxygenation  – and detox. After seeing the things you and your children get up too. You seem to live quite a cool existence. Your article kept me engaged.
    Thanks again

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Hello Joe, I am glad you got inspired to adopt a little bit of the French lifestyle in your life!! Thank you!

  3. Jenny Hennig says:

    Hi Anne-Caroline,

    I enjoyed reading this article very much, as I hope to visit Paris one day.  It was nice hearing about the contrast between the American Lifestyle versus the French Lifestyle.  Although I do not live in the States, I can relate to the different ways of life.  I live in Canada and have visited Europe quite often, I notice how people in Europe seem to enjoy themselves, they take their time enjoying a meal with friends or family and are much more relaxed.  In Canada and in the States, people are always in a rush and seem to be stressed out.  

    I know in many European countries, shops are closed on Sundays for people to enjoy family time.  I wish this was something that Canada would incorporate too.


    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Hello Jenny! That’s right the majority of shops are closed on Sundays or Mondays as well as banks! and I think that is a great thing even if at times I complain because i forget about it!!! Thank you for your comment!

  4. The art of doing nothing and just chilling is incredibly profitable. Big things, in my opinion, can only be accomplished when you are completely relaxed. Yes, reading is a big part of the French culture, and I’d like to do the same on my behalf. I spend most of my time listening, but now I’d like to do a lot of reading because it’s so calming.
    One of your suggestions that I will put into practice is to enjoy what I eat while sitting in a relaxed environment with no distractions because when I’m eating, I’m usually in a hurry and I find it difficult to chew slowly.

    As you mentioned, I need to understand more about slowing down to the point where time doesn’t exist anymore.
    Eating fatty foods and still, remain thinner? This is something I’d like to pick up from French culture.

    But I believe we have something in common when it comes to the art of conversation. I enjoy sitting with my family and friends and simply exchanging thoughts, and we believe that this act is very important to us since it demonstrates that we cherish each other.

    Thanks for this post.

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Thanks for your comment Lio! yes taking your time to eat is important! Wish you the best!

  5. How amazing! It’s been many years since I have been to France, but you are right about the French way of life. I was really impressed by how even little things seemed like they were appreciated. Things that we purchased were presented and/or packaged beautifully and the people took considerable pride in their work. These are definitely some things that the rest of the world could learn from!

    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Hi Aly! I hope you’ll come visit France again!! 

  6. Julia Kossowska says:


    I loved reading this article, it reminded me of when we took a short break in Paris a few years ago. Must go back in in the meantime it would be good to concentrate a bit more on living well!!

    I’m in the UK and if you go to a French restaurant in the UK it certainly can be an example of quality over quantity. I love the quality but I’m not so convinced about the quantity. However, when we were in France, there was both quality and quantity in the places we went to eat!! It was wonderful!! 

    We certainly sat around in cafes and watch the world go past! 

    I love reading and it is great to hear but there are still local libraries and wonderful bookshops. We still have wonderful book shops in the UK but we have lost quite a few independent shops over the last few years which is a great shame and even a few local libraries have shut, usually in places where there is not there is another one not too far away but even so, it’s a loss to the community.

    I’m looking forward to more meals with friends and family and you have challenged me to think about how we might look at making it a longer experience. I don’t think I need to worry too much about good conversation as we are blessed with wonderful friends and family and I love the conversations we have. 

    Looking forward to returning to France,

    All the best,


    1. Anne-Caroline says:

      Thanks Julia for sharing your experience with the French culture! I love the UK, so many nice pubs!!

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